Sparky – A 'Brains Eden 2019' Entry

Sparky screenshot


Platform Engine / Language Type
Android Unity (C#) Team

About Sparky

Sparky Comic

Art by Kat Tokki

Sparky tells the story of a little… well, spark, separated from his Mother Bonfire after she accidentally sneezed him away. Players have to guide Sparky back to his mother by throwing sticks to guide his way, making sure that he neither fizzles away nor burns the surrounding forest down.

Sparky was made during and for the Brains Eden 2019 game jam by a team of five: three artists and two programmers. I implemented some of the gameplay functionality, like Sparky’s movement from stick to stick, and the majority of the game’s UI elements. I was also responsible for importing and implementing the assets and their animations (where applicable).


Sparky screenshot Sparky screenshot
Sparky screenshot Sparky screenshot
Sparky screenshot Sparky screenshot


The Team: Hit 'N' Miss



Written on July 1, 2019 | Tagged: Extracurricular Activities, Portfolio, Projects