
My name is Milan and I am currently a Senior Game Developer at Push Gaming. This blog serves as my digital logbook, documenting my continued learning, struggles and the projects I have worked on.

What I do

By trade I am a programmer primarily focused on implementing user interfaces and gameplay within video games. I have also dabbled in other game development disciplines in the past, including quality assurance, art and design.

Want to see some of my best work? Check out my portfolio by clicking here!



  • In Q4, I was promoted to Senior Client Game Developer (read: old) at Push Gaming.


  • In Q2, I was promoted to Game Client Developer (sans Junior) at Push Gaming.



What I do for fun

My PSN profile.

In my spare time, I like to play video games! Currently playing several titles on my PS5 (see above) alongside Warframe on PC. I also like to work on web hosting and editing wikis. Occasionally, I contribute to open source software.

Contact me

If you have a question you want to ask me, please fill in the form below and get in touch!