e–Submission with TurnitinUK

TurnitinUK is a third-party service that several universities sometimes use for assignment submission, Anglia Ruskin included. One of TurnitinUK’s most attractive features is its originality check, which compares the submitted work against a vast database of sources, including the submitted work of other students in the class. After the comparison is made, TurnitinUK gives the teacher and the student a percentage of the similarity between the work and the database. The higher the percentage, the less original the work in question.

During a Core Skills tutorial, we were tasked with producing a submission which would achieve a 99 similarity percentage on the originality report. To achieve this goal, I copied entire sections of two published scientific papers and a Wikipedia article on a particular subject into a single submission file.

Using TurnitinUK


  1. After logging in, students have to identify which class they want to submit their work into. For the purposes of this demonstration, I will be submitting into a mock class created solely for originality checks.


  1. In the Class Homepage, the students have to press the “Submit” button next to the assignment that they want to submit.


  1. This is the submission page. Students can submit a variety of files, though not all file formats are permissible. Alternatively, students can submit their work by cut and pasting it into a dialog box. The submission title, in the case of Anglia Ruskin students, is meant to be their SID number. Once happy with the submission, we press the “Upload” button. After several confirmation screens, the work is finally submitted and an originality report is produced shortly afterwards.

Originality This is what an originality report looks like. All text that matches a certain source is highlighted with a colour specific to that source. As you can see, I’ve successfully managed to produce a 99% unoriginal work. Not too hard if you ask me!

Written on November 5, 2016 | Tagged: Core Skills